DIY Club – Women Only –  June 2025

DIY Club – Women Only – June 2025

Join Our June 2025 DIY Club for Women!

Kick off your DIY journey with our exclusive Monday Evening Women-only DIY Club, starting on 2nd June 2025. This 4-week course, priced at just £95, includes all 4 sessions and offers a unique opportunity to learn and practice essential DIY skills in a supportive, women-only environment.

Our DIY Club for Women provides a safe and relaxed space to explore new skills at your own pace. With a friendly atmosphere and plenty of room to experiment, you’ll gain confidence in tackling DIY projects at home. Each session is designed to give you a comprehensive grounding in practical skills, along with handy tips and tricks.

Sessions begin at 6.30pm, but feel free to arrive when it suits you. We wrap up between 8.30 and 9pm, ensuring a flexible and enjoyable learning experience.

With a wide range of tools and ample space to practice, you’ll have everything you need to succeed. Plus, bring your DIY issues and problems, and we’ll work together to find practical solutions that meet your needs.

Don’t miss out on this empowering DIY Course for Women—reserve your spot today!

Bitesize – Drilling 101

Bitesize – Drilling 101

Friday 2 May

2pm – 4pm

Book this Bitesize DIY Drilling Course

Learn to use a Drill

Conquer your fear of using a drill in this Bitesize introduction to Cordless Drills & impact Drivers. Discover just how easy it is to use a drill safely and confidently.

What You’ll Learn:

  • You’ll learn how to choose the right drill bit,
  • how to drill with control and get successful results every time.
  • Most importantly, we’ll help you feel confident about knowing where it is safe to drill, and what to do, if things don’t go according to plan.
  • AND you’ll learn about choosing and using the right fixings for your projects.

This course will really get you started on your DIY journey

This is part of our short “Bitesize-DIY” courses for those who don’t have time for a half-day course. They are designed to help you get started on your DIY journey, and build your DIY Confidence to start working through that DIY Jobs list at home

Book this Bitesize-DIY Drilling Course

Nailing it! DIY for Beginners

Nailing it! DIY for Beginners

Friday 30th May

9.30am – 1pm

Book this Beginners DIY Course

Book ANY two Half-Day Courses at the same time & get £20 off

Are you a complete DIY beginner eager to tackle home projects but unsure where to start? Our “Nailing It!” course is the perfect introduction to the world of DIY, designed especially for those who want to gain confidence and skills in home maintenance.

Many people feel they should be able to handle basic DIY tasks but don’t know how to begin. That’s where we come in! This course is your ideal starting point.

In this friendly and hands-on session, you’ll get acquainted with a variety of essential hand tools that will form the foundation of your home toolkit. You’ll have the chance to try out different tools and learn how to use them safely and effectively, helping you choose the ones that feel just right for you.

We understand the frustration of buying a shiny new tool only to find it’s too heavy or awkward to use. By experimenting with various tools during the course, you’ll avoid these common pitfalls.

We’ll also introduce you to cordless drills and drivers, showcasing a range of makes and models so you can find the perfect fit for your needs.

As with all our DIY courses, our goal is for you to leave feeling more confident and knowledgeable about DIY.

Join us for this Half-Day Beginners DIY Course for just £80. We provide all the tools, materials, and expertise—you just need to bring yourself and your enthusiasm!

this Beginners DIY Course

Bitesize – Drilling 101

Bitesize – Drilling 101

Learn to use a Drill

Conquer your fear of using a drill in this Bitesize introduction to Cordless Drills & impact Drivers

Discover just how easy it is to use a drill safely and confidently.

You’ll learn how to choose the right drill bit, how to drill with control and get successful results every time.

Most importantly, we’ll help you feel confident about knowing where it is safe to drill, and what to do, if things don’t go according to plan.

AND you’ll lear about choosing and using the right fixings for your projects.

This course will really get you started on your DIY journey

This is part of our short “Bitesize” courses for those who don’t have time for a half-day course. They are designed to help you get started on your DIY journey, and build your DIY Confidence to start working through that DIY Jobs list at home

Bitesize-DIY – Sealant 101

Bitesize-DIY – Sealant 101

DIY Sealant – 101

Learn how to Silicon Seal your Shower Cubical and save yourself some money

  • Is your shower seal turning black?
  • Does your shower or bath leak into the ceiling below when anyone takes a shower?
  • Are you struggling to find someone to come out and sort this most pesky of DIY jobs?
  • Would you like to learn how to do this most frustrating of DIY jobs yourself?

Look no further. We will give you a 2-hour input and lots of practice at doing this job yourself. You will discover some useful tips and tricks to make the job easier to do.

The only downside is that once your friends and family see how good you are, they will be asking you do this for them too.

Keep your Home ticking over

Keep your Home ticking over

Keep your Home ticking over

Top Tips to help you keep your Home Safe.

Follow this simple guide for some essential  Proactive Home Maintenance on the weekends that the Clocks change. Its a great time to carry out these simple jobs to keep your home safe.

Nothing too strenuous. You probably won’t even need any tools. Just a few checks which could save you a bit of money, and possibly, even your life.

I’m recommending that you carry out the following FOUR checks:

The reason I suggest this weekend, is because the clocks change.

It happens twice a year, which is the perfect interval for carrying out these checks. 

On Sunday morning, you’re going to be scratching your head, trying to remember how to reset the clock on the Microwave and the Oven.

(How many of us give up with clock in the car, and decide that living 6 months in the future is infinitely preferable to wading through a huge car manual trying to find the tiny paragraph dedicated to the overly complicated clock setting?)

Anyway, I’m not really worried about the car. Its your Home, and in fact, you & your family,  that matters this weekend. Keeping your Home safe is simple, and quick. Let me explain…..

Give your RCDs a bit of exercise

The clocks going back (or forwards in March) is the trigger.  It happens twice a year, and that’s the recommended interval for exercising your RCDs.


Who knew an RCD needed exercise?

Ok, I’m sure some of you are also asking what one of those is. If you’ve never heard of them, then please check out our useful post on Tripping RCDs.

You can find out what they do, why they’re not only a good idea, but actually essential for keeping you safe. You’ll even learn what to do if they start tripping.

All you need to do, is press the little TEST or  (T) button on the RCD, and it will switch off. (The lever will drop down) This will turn off the power to a number of circuits.

Just reset the RCD by pushing the lever back up (Some Consumer Units need you to push the lever down a bit further, before you push it up).

Some of you may have a nice modern Consumer Unit, where each circuit is protected by its own RCD. These are called RCBOs. The same principle for these. Just press the TEST button, turn the circuit off, and then turn it back on.

That’s all you need to do.

Old Style RCCB with Test Button
Old Style RCCB

Press the button. Turn the lever back up to reset.

RCD with Test Button

Press the black button. The lever will drop. Press the level back up to reset.

RCCB Test Button

Press the black “T” button. The lever will drop. Press the level back up to reset.

RCBO with Test Button
Newer RCBO

Press the GREY Test button. The lever will drop. Press the level back up to reset.

Why am I asking you to do this?

RCDs (or RCBOs) constantly monitor your electrical installation. Their job is to switch everything off in the event of a fault. You need them to be in tip top condition, so that they do this as quickly as possible, and save your life.

What if my RCD won’t switch off?

If this happens, then your RCD is not doing its job properly. It proves how important it is to carry out this test.

I recommend that you contact an Electrician on Monday, and arrange for them to come and check it out for you.

Check your Heat & Smoke Detectors

Smoke Detector Expiry Date

I know we only think about these when the annoying chirping starts as the battery starts to fail. That generally happens in the winter, when the temperature drops in the middle of the night. Batteries struggle more in the cold weather.

 Just press the Test Button on your Smoke Detector, and make sure that it goes off. If you have inter-connected Smoke Detectors, this should also set all the other Smoke Detectors of in the House.

While you’re up the ladder, just check the Expiry Date on the Smoke Detector. If it’s already long past. You need to replace them.

This is something you can probably do yourself. Check out our post on Smoke Detectors.

If your Smoke Detector is quite elderly, check our Safelincs Website, where you can find a list of compatible Smoke Detectors.

If you’re not sure, then call an electrician.

Check your Water Supply

Hopefully you know where your mains water supply turns off.

If you don’t, you’re not alone. However, you’re about to rectify that situation.

Check out our post, “How do I turn my water supply off?

Why am I asking you to do this?

If you have a sudden plumbing emergency, then knowing where your Stop Tap is, that it’s accessible and that it turns off is going to save you loads of money.

Over time, Stop Taps can seize up. You really don’t want to find that yours has done that, when there is water pouring out of something that shouldn’t be.

Take it from me, there is nothing like the sound of gushing water to stop your brain thinking clearly.

 If you discover that the only way to turn your water supply off is outside on the pavement, you’re going to make sure that you have something helpful to lever the cover off the water stop tap easily accessible for future use.

If you come on our Essential Home Plumbing Course, we talk a lot about making sure you’re prepared for these eventualities.

Water damage is potentially very expensive. Insurance Companies really don’t like it.



If your Water Stop Tap is an old BRASS TAP,  open the tap fully, when you turn the water back on. Then turn the tap  back a ¼ Turn.

This will give you some Wriggle room if your Stop Tap starts to seize up in the future.

If you’re in Bristol, and you’re struggling to turn your Stop Tap off, check out Bristol Water’s Website. They have lots of helpful information and support.

If you live outside Bristol, check out your own Water Supplier. If you’re lucky they might be one the helpfl ones 

 And finally……

Check your Carbon Monoxide Detector

This is, sadly, a very timely reminder of just how important these are.

You can’t see or smell Carbon Monoxide. It will kill you very quickly.

If you have a Gas or Oil Boiler, or a Solid Fuel stove, then you should have a working Carbon Monoxide Detector somewhere near by. Often this is just “hanging about nearby” and not actually fixed down. In this case it can be easily mislaid. Make sure that it is not under a pile of magazines, or under the sofa. Its not going to work properly there

Please check that it works and that it is in date.

If you can’t find one, please go and buy yourself one AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.

You can buy a battery-operated Carbon-Monoxide Detector from any local DIY/hardware Store, or Supermarket.

 No excuses on this one. Please do it. It will save your life!

If you don’t have a Carbon-monoxide Detector,  that suggests that you may not have had your had your boiler serviced recently.

A Gas or Oil Engineer will check that you have one when they service your Boiler, and persuade you to get one.

Please get your boiler serviced every year. It will save your life

That’s it. You’re done. You have kept your Home, yourself and your family safe for the next six months

If you’re a parent, maybe this is a good exercise to involve your children in. The more peple who now to deal with an emergency, the better.