0117 462 4161
Learn the basics of using a circular saw with our Beginners DIY Carpentry Course. Get hands-on experience and build your woodworking skills. Hands-on, fun & friendly DIY Woodworking course. Take a home your own custom project-piece
Our March Women-only DIY Club is held on Monday evenings from 6.30 - 8.30 over a 4-week term. The terms starts on Monday 24th March & runs until April 21st (Please note no DIY Club on Bank Holiday Monday - 14th April)
Price (£95) is for the full four-week term. Lots of Fun. Lots of hands on, practical DIY skills for DIY Beginners.
Learn the basics of using a circular saw with our Beginners DIY Carpentry Course. Get hands-on experience and build your woodworking skills. Hands-on, fun & friendly DIY Woodworking course. Take a home your own custom project-piece
Our April Women-only DIY Club is held on Wednesday evenings from 6.30 - 8.30 over a 4-week term. The terms starts on Wednesday 2nd April & runs until April 23rd
Price (£95) is for the full four-week term. Lots of Fun. Lots of hands on, practical DIY skills for DIY Beginners.
Build your DIY Confidence with our Beginners DIY Course. An introduction to essential DIY Tools. Practise how to use them safely & effectively. Learn useful DIY tips & tricks, so that you can start DIY projects in your own home, with confidence. Small group, fun courses, very hands-on & led by female DIY tutors.
Learn how to successfully seal your shower and bath. Save yourself money, learning how to do this essential DIY skill. Lots of practice and tips and tricks to get the perfect result.