0117 462 4161
Learn the basics of using a mitre saw with our Beginners DIY Carpentry Course. Get hands-on experience and build your woodworking skills. Hands-on, fun & friendly DIY Woodworking course. Take a home your own custom project-piece
Our March Women-only DIY Club is held on Monday evenings from 6.30 - 8.30 over a 4-week term. The terms starts on Monday 24th March & runs until April 21st (Please note no DIY Club on Bank Holiday Monday - 14th April)
Price (£95) is for the full four-week term. Lots of Fun. Lots of hands on, practical DIY skills for DIY Beginners.
Learn the basics of using a mitre saw with our Beginners DIY Carpentry Course. Get hands-on experience and build your woodworking skills. Hands-on, fun & friendly DIY Woodworking course. Take a home your own custom project-piece
Our April Women-only DIY Club is held on Wednesday evenings from 6.30 - 8.30 over a 4-week term. The terms starts on Wednesday 2nd April & runs until April 23rd
Price (£95) is for the full four-week term. Lots of Fun. Lots of hands on, practical DIY skills for DIY Beginners.